
Covid-19 Update
I am sure many of you heard on Tuesday the announcement from the Archbishop of Canterbury that public worship and all social events were to be suspended until further notice. Sadly this means there will be no more services (or social events) as such, in church for the foreseeable future.

This may mean as a church in a building things are not going to be the same for a while but as a church as a body of people, worshiping Christ, we will look for alternatives to see us through the coming weeks. We are looking into many ways of staying in touch and bringing the gospel to you.

To begin with a newsheet with the readings for the day will be posted on here, hopefully this will develop as time goes on to include additional resources – we are even looking at recording services for you to view at home and maybe even a live streamed service.

Fr Rodney tells me it is near 900 years since public worship was last suspended so I guess this is new to all of us, information from the Church of England is still quite sketchy as they try to work their way through this and we are looking at ways to serve our congregation best through this time.
I intend to email regularly to keep you informed and if you have any ideas let us know.

Who would have thought last Sunday would be our last time in church together for a while, but please pray that we will all get through this safely and can reunite soon.

Peace be with you